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Succulents by Zone

Just put your zip code in here, hit “go” and your USDA zone will come out. Then use that to select from the table below and you will get all our succulents that are suitable for your area.

Our Succulents sorted by USDA Hardiness Zone
along with link
Temperature Tolerances
ZONE 8a10°F to 15°F
ZONE 8b15°F to 20°F
ZONE 9a20°F to 25°F
ZONE 9b25°F to 30°F
ZONE 10a30°F to 35°F
ZONE 10b35°F to 40°F
ZONE 11a40°F to 45°F
As you can see the divisions are broken up by 5° increments. This is very important because succulents are approximately 80% water content which makes them susceptible to freezing. This will be one of the main limiting factors in what will grow in your area outside.This is by no means an exhaustive list but only shows the succulents we grow. For a better description and maps check out, they have some really cool maps for your area.